Carteo Handmade Collaboration
Right after Kaleigh left for Officer Candidate School for the Coast Guard I found myself in line at the Darn Tough Vermont booth at outdoor retailer to get a maple creemee. For the second time that day (I might have been eating my feelings of already missing her so much). The folks in line ahead of me had a cute pup and we started chatting - the way all good friendships start - over a love of dogs. When the fellow turned around I realized that I recognized their infant as one of Kaleigh's favorite people to follow on instagram. I had never really been into following van life accounts so I hadn't discovered Giddi and Jace and their adorable Juni yet, but K would often make me look at pictures of their kid (who is admittedly really stinking cute!) We traded a couple of hats for some jewelry pieces last winter and after I started Powers Provisions I reached out to Giddi to make us some hammered silver half circles I could incorporate into my beading and I'm so excited to share with you what we came up with!

Tell Us About yourself!
My name is Giddi. My husband, 2 year old, 7 year old Klee Kai dog and I have been living and traveling out of a van for the past few years. I started a small jewelry shop before we decided to live on the road and it’s been helping feed our bellies ever since. I love creating, and seeing beautiful things come together. I love to play music, paddle board and explore. I love spending time outdoors but absolutely hate hiking, (but will do it regardless because hikes almost always have the best views). I love to learn and share whatever I’ve learned with others.
What are your three favorite outdoor activities?
I love water activities, I actually don’t know how to swim but I really love paddleboarding, rock climbing and just camping. It’s nice to just hang by a campfire with your funnest friends just hanging and talking.

What would you tell someone who wants to get into metalsmithing but doesn't know where to start? (cough, me, cough)
Youtube is a gem!! Everything I’ve learned has been from youtube. Also never be afraid to ask people and metalsmithers different tips and tricks because they are almost always willing to share whatever they have learned.

Best advice you've ever been given as a businesswoman?
When your second guessing your creativeness and creations, no matter what they are, there are people waiting to find exactly what you are creating.

What's the secret to really good tacos?
The tortilla. You can make a taco out of almost anything but if your tortilla is crap, the whole taco is ruined!!!

What's the best and worst part of mothering from a van?
The best part is seeing my kid develop and see the world through a different perspective than others her age, worst is we don’t have “rooms” to hide from our kid. Haha.
You can find Giddi, Jace and June on Instagram @confessionsofavanwife and @our
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