Fall Collection 2024
Happy Fall!

The 2024 Collection of knits is finally here. After an all too sweltering, smokey summer here in Montana, I'm relieved to be donning flannels and sweaters on chilly mornings. I'm also excited to head back to the east coast for a few weeks of New England fall colors and family (and one last maple creemee of the season). I told everyone when I moved that I'd be back often and I'm trying to keep that promise, to them and to myself.

Missoula has been good to me so far, a new place full of abundance and creative potential and while making friends in new places is something you'd think I'd be a pro at by now the insecurities that pop up make the bravery I feel going to new places with lots of strangers, necessary. I'm looking forward to growing the Powers Provisions community in another new place and hoping to have some fiber arts craft nights this fall and winter so stay tuned for that.
Check out the fall lookbook HERE. I hope you find something that fills your cup, or at least keeps you cozy while the temperatures drop.
With hugs and lots of gratitude,

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