Recipe: Mama Lisa's Butternut Bisque
My mother, Lisa enjoys making food that she has grown herself, bought from the farmers market, or sold at the local co-op and thinks raw kale can be added to anything. While I wouldn’t recommend her infamous kale with blueberry oatmeal, unsalted brown rice dishes or biscuits made without cream, Lisa does make a mean kale salad - a fan favorite at Thanksgiving, scrumptious Anzac cookies which we love with our afternoon tea and her delicious butternut bisque. She can never find the recipe so I usually get a response like this when I inquire:
“Can’t find it. Here’s from memory - 1 med. butternut squash peeled and cut into cubes, 2 carrots, 1 leek, olive oil, 1 cup vegetable stock, 1 cup of white wine, (let it cook into the squash, 1/4 cup of maple syrup, 1 cup 1/2 and 1/2, salt/pepper to taste, dash of nutmeg when serving! Kale on the side is optional! 😘”

Translation, it looks a little something like this:
1 medium butternut squash - peeled and cubed
1 leek - sliced thinly
1 large shallot - minced
2 carrots - peeled and sliced thinly
2 tbsp - olive oil
2 cups vegetable stock (increased stock since we didn’t have white wine)
¼ cup maple syrup
¾ cup half and half
¼ tsp nutmeg
Salt and pepper
- In a large pot over medium heat, add the olive oil and cook the butternut, leek, shallot and carrots until butternut becomes soft and shallot is translucent.
- Then add the vegetable stock and cook until all veggies are soft enough to smash with the back of a spoon.
- Remove the pot from heat. Add maple syrup and half and half.
- Using an immersion blender blend until smooth, you may need to add more half and half or stock for your desired thickness.
- Add nutmeg and salt and pepper to taste.
- Enjoy with a grilled cheese, sharp cheddar cheese and crackers or with a kale salad.

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